Teaching Elder
The Lord has blessed Monica and I (23 years of marriage) with three sons: Josiah, Justus and Jonathan. I have been pastoring at The Well since 2010, and I can’t imagine a better church family than what God has appointed for me. I love all things Jonathan Edwards, and nearly everything I can get my hands on by the Puritans. But most of all I love Jesus Christ who has won my heart for eternity through His blood and righteousness.
Ben is a native of the United Kingdom, born in Nottingham but raised in Coventry (about as close to the middle of England as you can get). He moved to Boise with his family, his beloved wife, Trish, and wonderful children Judah, Thea and Matthias, in March 2022. Ben first felt the Lord calling him to ministry when he was a teenager, but it wasn’t until he first visited the Well in 2016 that the Lord began to make clear that ministry was to be nearly 5000 miles from where he grew up! After a long period of waiting and being taught patience, he was able to begin work with the Well first as a pastoral intern from April 2022 and now as an elder.
God makes much of himself through redeeming wretches like me! God saved me from the wages of my sin nearly 2000 years ago, but it wasn’t until the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in college that my eyes were opened to this precious reality. Life as a Christian is simultaneously the most difficult and joyful thing imaginable. After serving in the U.S. Navy for about 10 years, God called me to pursue theological training at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (still in progress). It has been my joy to serve as an elder at The Well since June 2021. My dear wife Damaris and my three children, Daniel, Sarah and Anna, are gifts from God who I treasure. I cannot wait to be perfectly glorifying and enjoying my Lord in heavenly, eternal bliss!
The stories of God’s faithfulness and steering hand in Zach’s life are too many to account for here. But over the course of several moves, schooling, job changes, a military career and ministry opportunities, God led Zach and his family from Southern California to Idaho. Zach currently works in the telecommunications industry in the Treasure Valley managing, well, a lot of different things. He is privileged to serve as an elder of the Well Church, participating in shepherding the flock and helping to guide the music ministry. Zach has varying interests and hobbies that he would love to pursue one day; but these days, he and his wife, April, are busily and happily raising their seven children, mini farming, playing music together and having family movie nights. Zach and his family look forward to inviting others into their home for good food and drink, edifying conversation and sweet fellowship in anticipation of the eternal heavenly fellowship that awaits God’s People.
Abi was born and raised in Guadalajara México, and emigrated to the US on 2003. He is married to his wife Nancy for 30 years , they have two daughters: Libna & Jehieli, and two sons: Abi & Benji. He is bi-vocational pastor, also working as a painter. Abi’s greatest passion is God, the Doctrines of Grace and expository preaching. He serves as a pastor in ‘La Fuente’, the latino ministry of The Well.